Homemade organic pesticides: Any living organism that causes economic loss is call pest for example bacteria, fungus, viruses, nematodes, rodents, mites, weeds, etc. To protect useful plants we need to control the pest. Pesticides are called that substances or mixture of substances that are used for preventing, destroying, repelling pests from your garden.
Homemade organic pesticides
Pesticides can be organic or chemical. Chemical pesticides have some negative effects on the environment but organic pesticides are safe for the environment. In this article, I’m gonna tell you 8 best homemade organic pesticides that you can make easily at home and used them in your garden safely. Let’s start;
1. The extract of almond plant
Allamanda has the characteristic of preventing fungus. The extract of this plant used as fungicides. So, if you have the problem of fungus in your garden then you can make it at home and used as organic pesticides.
2. The extract of garlic
Garlic extract used as fungicides. It also prevents bacteria from infected plants. So, if you have the problem of both fungi and bacteria in your garden then you can make it at home and used as organic pesticides.
3. Extract of neem plants
The extract from neem’s bark, leaf, flower, and fruits used as germicides. The crumbles of dried leaves of neem mixed with storage seed crops to protect from insect’s attack. Oil of neem and mustard seed extract work as root’s vermicide. Besides, a liquid extract of neem’s leaf, flower, and fruits used as fungicides spray.
4. Extract of tobacco leaf
The extract of tobacco leaf protects the stem and leaf of garden plants from insect attack by using “nicotine sulfate”. You can make it at home and used as organic pesticides.
5. Chicken stool
Chicken stool and extract of mustard seed work for preventing soil-borne disease. They protect many vegetables from soil-borne diseases. We can make them at home and used them as organic pesticides.
6. Limo bacteria
Limo bacteria species from the roots of sugarbeet work for preventing soil-borne “damping off” disease. This bacteria makes a colony by mixed with its host plants like spinach and sugarbeet root and excrete antibiotics that prevent plant disease.
7. Trichoderma biopesticide & biofertilizer
Trichoderma species work as bactericide and fungicides.
8. Organic fertilizer
There is some organic fertilizer which prevents fungi and bacteria that we can use our garden.
Final words
We learned about 8 best homemade organic pesticides that you can make easily at home. They are environmrntal friendly and not harmul for the plants (Don’t use over limit, should be use at certain limit). Hope these pesiticides will be helpful for better gardening.